Polar plots and shaded errors in matplotlib

Polar graphs can be a good way to represent cyclical data, such as traffic by day of week. In this post I take stack overflow data and plot the usage of tags throughout the week. The method also adds errors to the matplotlib polar plot as a shaded region to help understand the variability in the data. The data is available here, originally from the stack exchange data dump.

IPython notebook for this post

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
pd.set_option('precision', 2)

DATAFILE = 'data/daily-tag-counts.csv'
In [2]:
daily_tag_counts = pd.read_csv(DATAFILE, index_col=0, parse_dates=0)
# only look at data from 2014
daily_tag_counts = daily_tag_counts['2014':]
java python c++ pandas javascript sql html ios
2014-01-01 312 157 158 4 403 78 211 129
2014-01-02 620 298 217 12 701 233 361 261
2014-01-03 660 334 249 13 758 217 370 313

Group by the day of the week and calculate the mean of each day (0=Monday, 6=Sunday).

In [3]:
weekday_totals = daily_tag_counts.groupby(daily_tag_counts.index.weekday).mean()
java python c++ pandas javascript sql html ios
0 753.19 375.86 265.33 16.61 812.00 273.78 395.89 318.67
1 809.03 413.25 288.47 19.83 901.44 299.22 441.19 349.11
2 815.19 415.14 289.76 20.46 918.62 317.49 450.32 347.97
In [5]:
def plot_polar(df, error_alpha=0.5):
    """Plot DataFrame of day-of-week data as a polar plot with shaded regions
    representing S.E.M.
    DataFrame should be indexed 0-6 with 0=Monday, 6=Sunday
    # add last row to complete cycle (otherwise plot lines don't connect)
    df = df.append(df.ix[0, :])
    # convert index to radians
    radians = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=7, endpoint=False)
    df.index = [radians[day] for day in df.index]
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = plt.axes(polar=True)
    # Set up labels
    ax.set_xticklabels(['M', 'Tu', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'Sa', 'Su'], size=14, weight='bold')

    df.plot(ax=ax, lw=4)
    # need to lookup line color for shaded error region
    line_colors = {line.get_label(): line.get_color() for line in ax.get_lines()}
    def plot_errors(series):
        sem = series.sem()
        ax.fill_between(np.append(radians, 0), 
                        series - sem, series + sem,
                        color=line_colors[series.name], alpha=error_alpha)
    ax.legend(loc=4, fontsize=14)

plot_polar(weekday_totals.drop(['java', 'javascript', 'c++', 'html'], axis=1))

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